Microsoft Office IN 30 MINUTES 3-Pack (Windows/macOS)
Microsoft Office IN 30 MINUTES 3-Pack (Windows/macOS)
Buy the Microsoft IN 30 MINUTES 3-pack today! The bundle contains the following guides for users of Microsoft Office:
- Microsoft Word In 30 Minutes, 3rd Edition (95 pages)
- PowerPoint Basics In 30 Minutes, 2nd Edition (95 pages)
- Excel Basics In 30 Minutes, 3rd Edition (102 pages)
The guides, part of the award-winning IN 30 MINUTES series, are written in plain English with lots of tips, examples, and screenshots. Whether you need to learn Microsoft Office for a career boost, school, or a personal project, these three guides are a great place to get started or refresh your skills.
Topics include:
- Overview of the ribbon interfaces for Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
- How to create and rename new .docx, .xlsx, and .pptx documents
- Examples of basic features, ranging from creating charts to using templates
- Intermediate features, from adding an index in Word to working with animations in PowerPoint
- Collaboration and sharing
- Exporting and printing
- Keyboard shortcuts (Windows and macOS)
What reviewers are saying:
"From the Backstage view through the customizable Ribbon to document protection options, the book covers everything that beginners need to know while peppering in 'Protips' that will help intermediate users employ Word more effectively. Acknowledging that the software may be used in academic, office, and personal settings, the work highlights a wide range of features, such as utilizing citation tools, applying styles and themes to a whole document, converting text to a table, inserting photos and videos, and operating the new Draw feature. ... The end matter — including an index and an appendix of keyboard shortcuts — is particularly helpful, as is the advice on document recovery. Despite the title, plan on needing closer to an hour to work through the book.""
- Kirkus Indies review for Microsoft Word In 30 Minutes